Learning AWS Day by Day - Day 33 - CloudWatch Part 2

Learning AWS Day by Day - Day 33 - CloudWatch Part 2

Exploring AWS !!

**Day 33:

Amazon CloudWatch - Part 2**

CloudWatch: monitors service for AWS cloud resources and applications you run on AWS, we can collect and track metrics.

Two types of monitoring: Basic and Detailed

Basic: free, polls every 5 minutes, 10 metrics, 5 GB of data ingestion, 5 GB of data storage.
Detailed: chargeable, charged per instance per month, polls every minute.
Allows you to record metrics for EC2, EBS, ELB and S3. We can add these metrics to dashboard.

Events: can create events based on CloudWatch monitoring, example trigger lambda function.
Example: Amazon CloudWatch --> Lambda --> Archive
If EBS fills up then lambda should be triggered and data must be archived.

Logs: install agents on EC2 instances to send monitoring data about instances to Cloudwatch.

Alarms: set alarms to warn based on resource usage, for example, CPU Utilization is too high, we can also autoscale and shut down idle instances.