Exploring AWS !!
Day 23:
S3 Introduction — Part 1
Amazon Simple Storage Service — S3 is storage that can be maintained and accessed over internet.
S3 provides web services that can be used to store and retrieve unlimited amount of data. Same can be done programmatically using Amazon provided APIs.
S3 Data Consistency Model -
- provides highly durable and available solution by replicating all data in multiple data centers in a region.
- data uploaded in particular region never leaves it.
- read after write consistency.
- eventual consistency.
Consistent Read —
- No stale reads.
- Higher comparative read latency.
- Read throughput is comparatively lower.
Eventual Consistent Read -
- Stale reads are possible.
- Lower comparative read latency.
- Read throughput is higher.
Storage Hierarchy -
- S3 follows as storage hierarchy while keeping data (docs, img, files, etc.)
- Management console or S3 APIs can be used to manage buckets and objects.
Buckets — folder which stores data
- Total 100 can be created, else you need to increase and request for same.
- Communicating using SDK — while using SDKs, first a client is created, and then this client is used to send request for creating bucket. The client is created by specifying AWS region and client uses endpoint to communicate with S3.
Example: If a client is created by specifying N.Virginia region, then following endpoint is used to communicate with Amazon S3 → S3.amazonaws.com
For other regions → s3<region-name>.amazonaws.com